My Condolences for the Victims of the Potomac Plane Crash
I extend my condolences to all impacted by the tragedy near Reagan National Airport that occurred on Wednesday evening. 67 lives were cut short and many of our Virginia families have lost a loved one. Our Commonwealth grieves for this tremendous loss and we are all thinking of the victims and their loved ones. I also want to extend my gratitude to thank all of the first responders, including those from Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, and Prince William Counties, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), National Capital Region (NCR) Incident Management Team (IMT), Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Virginia State Police, Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Washington D.C. public safety agencies, and multiple federal agencies. They have been doing everything possible to aid in the recovery efforts in challenging conditions, and for that we owe them tremendous gratitude. I Want Your Opinion I have been hearing from many constituents here in Richmond, and I am asking 39th District residents to compete a constituent survey to help me understand your views. You can visit to make your voice heard. My Bills Status Marriage Amendment (SJ 249)- would protect marriage equality by creating a Constitutional Amendment referendum for voters to consider. Passed the Senate. Worker Protections (SB 1052) - would expand existing employment protections to all employees of companies with six or more staff. Passed the Senate. Tenant Renewal Notice (SB 1043) - requires landlords to provide 60 days notice if they do not intend to renew a lease. Passed the Senate. Unemployment Compensation Commission Membership (SB 878) - Combines the Commission on Unemployment Commission and the Unemployment Insurance Committee into one to reduce duplication. Passed the Senate. . Unemployment Maximum Weekly Benefits (SB 1056) - would increase unemployment insurance weekly benefits by $100 per week. Passed the Senate. Unemployment Insurance Income Disregard (SB 1057) - would increase the amount of income that a person qualifying for unemployment could deduct from their benefits from $50 to $100 per week while working part time. Passed the Senate. Vulnerable Road Users (SB 1416) - would make it a class one misdemeanor to strike a pedestrian or cyclist causing serious bodily injury in a cross walk. In Committee. Assault Firearms Public Carry Ban (SB 880) - prohibits the public carrying of assault weapons. Passed the Senate. Ghost Guns Regulation (SB 881) - would establish a felony for any person who knowingly manufactures or assembles, imports, purchases, sells, transfers, or possesses a “ghost gun.” Passed the Senate. Firearm Industry Liability (SB 1450) - creates standards of responsible conduct for the firearms industry and creates a civil cause of action in the event of an injury. Passed Committee. Deepfake Regulations (SB 1053) - penalizes the use of deepfakes to commit fraud, slander, or libel. Passed the Senate. Digital Content Authenticity & Transparency (SB 1417) - requires a developer of an AI system to disclose AI use. Defeated and referred to the Joint Commission on Technology & Science. CTE Teacher Licensure (SB 879) - creates an alternate pathway to licensure for experienced industry professionals seeking to teach career and technical education courses. Passed Committee. CPA Education Requirements (SB 1042) - creates an additional pathway to licensure for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), allowing individuals to substitute a fifth year of college education with accounting related work experience. Passed the Senate. Solar Interconnection for Schools (SB 1058) - prohibits charging schools for the cost of solar panel interconnection. Defeated. Virginia Cannabis Regulations (SB 1054) - tasks the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority with drafting regulations for retail sales of cannabis to adults 21 and over. Defeated. Post Release Job Assistance (SB 877) - requires Virginia Works, in collaboration with the Department of Corrections, to provide post-release job assistance services to those reentering society. Passed the Senate. Banning Private Prisons (SB 1283) - bans private state prisons and private prison management of Department of Corrections facilities. Passed Committee. Animal Boarding Facilities Inspections (SB 1051) - allows for local animal control to conduct inspections of animal boarding facilities. In Committee. Tobacco and Vapes Confiscation (SB 1060) - allows for the confiscation of vapes and tobacco products from juveniles and coordinates enforcement regarding sales to those under 21. Passed Committee. Problem Gaming Hotline (SB 1280) - requires the posting of the National Problem Gambling Helpline anywhere Virginia lottery tickets are sold or where charitable gaming, horse racing wagering, and casino gaming occur. Passed the Senate. Definition of Personal Interest (SB 1357) - clarifies that if a transaction involves a spouse, the officer or employee is automatically deemed to have a personal conflict. Passed Committee. FOIA Bill (SB 876) - requires public bodies to post a meeting agenda prior to a meeting and prohibits public bodies from voting on topics added to the agenda after the start of a meeting. Passed the Senate. Data Centers Site Assessment (SB 1449) - requires a site assessment for rezoning application, special exception, or special use permit for the siting of a new “high energy use facility” (HEUF), including data centers. Passed the Senate. Thanks for the continued opportunity to serve. Comments are closed.